No.06 Bamana Mask
Wood, seeds, clay, beads, hessian
Origin: West Africa (Mali region)
Interesting facts:
Aw ye gweleya aw daw la, da de jugu ye
“Close your mouth firmly, close your mouth; the mouth is the enemy”
So go the lyrics of the ritual song that teaches the lesson of keeping secrets in Bamana culture. The Ntomo society is a five year period for uncircumcised boys and the first society of the six they go through to become recognised as men. Boys are taught to accept discipline and endure hardship quietly, which includes ritual flagellation sessions in complete silence.
An “oval shaped human face surmounted by a high comb of vertical spikes or horns” distinguishes Ntomo face masks from other types of face masks. The sculptor of this face mask created an abstracted human-like face distinguished by its ovoid forehead and angular nose. The roundness of the eye sockets contrast with the prominent horizontal forehead above them. The straightness of the vertical spikes rising from the head complement the mounted regal Bamana female figure. Notably, the mask’s mouth is puckered.
Notable patina. Beads appear recently replaced.
Wood, seeds, clay, beads, hessian
Origin: West Africa (Mali region)
Weight | 4 kg |
Dimensions | 21 × 21 × 67 cm |